Da Great Deity Dah

Official website

Origins of Superhero Rap

Da Great Deity Dah

Official website

Origins of Superhero Rap

Origins of Superhero Rap

A mechanical engineer and economist is troubled

by the plight of people and decides

to begin a heroic journey

At 12 Damola Idowu was a poet who loved writing love letters and dreamt of being a mechanical engineer after watching a show Knight Rider about an Autonomous vehicle with an AI named KITT. His company will be called Alomad and it will be one of the biggest in the world. At 15 his dream became true he had opportunities to take college classes at Duke or Syracuse during the summer and chose Syracuse where a year later at 16 he will enroll full time studying mechanical engineering and economics with his own technology company as a goal. He will start his own business on campus Dah-Smooth fashions and will subsidize his education selling HBCU merchandise and women Accessories while also serving as a member of the student government. He will learn to freestyle and make spontaneous improvised rhymes and will eventually transfer to Howard University to get an HBCU experience as the world of Rodney King beatings really struck a chord with him.

Origins of Superhero Rap

A mechanical engineer and economist is troubled

by the plight of people and decides

to begin a heroic journey

At 12 Damola Idowu was a poet who loved writing love letters and dreamt of being a mechanical engineer after watching a show Knight Rider about an Autonomous vehicle with an AI named KITT. His company will be called Alomad and it will be one of the biggest in the world. At 15 his dream became true he had opportunities to take college classes at Duke or Syracuse during the summer and chose Syracuse where a year later at 16 he will enroll full time studying mechanical engineering and economics with his own technology company as a goal. He will start his own business on campus Dah-Smooth fashions and will subsidize his education selling HBCU merchandise and women Accessories while also serving as a member of the student government. He will learn to freestyle and make spontaneous improvised rhymes and will eventually transfer to Howard University to get an HBCU experience as the world of Rodney King beatings really struck a chord with him.

Origins of Superhero Rap

A mechanical engineer and economist is troubled
by the plight of people and decides to begin a heroic journey

At 12 Damola Idowu was a poet who loved writing love letters and dreamt of being a mechanical engineer after watching a show Knight Rider about an Autonomous vehicle with an AI named KITT.


The integrated Dah-Varsity Metaverse has four components: INSPIRE, LEARN, CREATE, and SELL.

They are Inspired to Learn and are given tools to virtually Create and share their stories in a culturally responsive way while earning money Selling on a marketplace.

Since 2014 we have informally worked with over 4000 students with our products. Students Create Their Avatar And Tell Your Superhero Backstory


Integrated Dah-Varsity Metaverse has four components: INSPIRE, LEARN, CREATE, SELL.

They are Inspired to Learn and are given tools to virtually Create and share their stories in a culturally responsive way, while earning money Selling on a marketplace.

Since 2014 we have informally worked with over 2000 students with our product. Students Create Their Avatar And Tell Your Superhero Backstory


Integrated Dah-Varsity Metaverse has four components: INSPIRE, LEARN, CREATE, SELL.


Da Great Deity Dah


Da Great Deity Dah


Da Great Deity Dah

Books & Comic Books

Books & Comic Books

Books & Comic Books


In 2002 he pioneered the intersection of Hip-Hop and Business with the launch of Owners Illustrated Magazine. In that process, he created and trademarked the term Hustlenomics®. He pioneered the coverage of Women in Tech and Business with his creation of the Women’s Edition of Owners Illustrated Magazine. He also pioneered the coverage of the intersection of Hip-Hop and Technology. In 2004 he began introducing technology executives across several industries to hip-hop audiences in Owners Illustrated and later Toyz Nation Magazines.


In 2002 he pioneered the intersection of Hip-Hop and Business with the launch of Owners Illustrated Magazine. In that process, he created and trademarked the term Hustlenomics®. He pioneered the coverage of Women in Tech and Business with his creation of the Women’s Edition of Owners Illustrated Magazine. He also pioneered the coverage of the intersection of Hip-Hop and Technology. In 2004 he began introducing technology executives across several industries to hip-hop audiences in Owners Illustrated and later Toyz Nation Magazines.


In 2002 he pioneered the intersection of Hip-Hop and Business with the launch of Owners Illustrated Magazine. In that process, he created and trademarked the term Hustlenomics®. He pioneered the coverage of Women in Tech and Business with his creation of the Women’s Edition of Owners Illustrated Magazine. He also pioneered the coverage of the intersection of Hip-Hop and Technology. In 2004 he began introducing technology executives across several industries to hip-hop audiences in Owners Illustrated and later Toyz Nation Magazines.


Photos & Videos


Photos & Videos



Via  New Sun Rising #TOYZSTEAM Dah-Varsity Scholars is a fiscally sponsored program focused on increasing diversity, equity, and inclusion in the Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics (STEAM) creator industry.

We also foster entrepreneurship, and improve economic mobility in disadvantaged populations, by empowering people to be the superhero version of themselves, through training and multi-generational mentorship.


Via  New Sun Rising #TOYZSTEAM Dah-Varsity Scholars is a fiscally sponsored program focused on increasing diversity, equity, and inclusion in the Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics (STEAM) creator industry.

We also foster entrepreneurship, and improve economic mobility in disadvantaged populations, by empowering people to be the superhero version of themselves, through training and multi-generational mentorship.


Via  New Sun Rising #TOYZSTEAM Dah-Varsity Scholars is a fiscally sponsored program focused on increasing diversity, equity, and inclusion in the Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics (STEAM) creator industry.


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